Ambassadors for Christ is a teen Bible study group that meets on Thursday evenings at the church. Jr. high and high school students can come to pray, worship, and take part in Bible-centered teaching. The Ambassador’s mission is to prepare teens to represent Christ in all areas of life, and stand on His word in all situations. More than just a Bible study, teens are encouraged to serve the Lord by volunteering at Summer Camps and participating in work projects. Teens are also encouraged to become leaders by teaching lessons and leading worship both in and out of the group setting.
This year we are beginning Ambassadors on October 3rd, 2024. We will meet every Thursday evening from 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., at Rathdrum Bible Church in Rathdrum Idaho (weather permitting and holidays excluded). Ambassadors will run through the year and end on June 5th of 2025, where we break so the youth can have a break in order to have the summer off for family, work, or fun. We break also for some to serve as missionaries for Cocolalla Bible Camp in Cocolalla, Idaho.
For more information on the Ambassadors for Christ (Youth Leadership), call the church office at (208) 687-0303. Or contact us here.