“For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in…” Matthew 25:35
Yes, the RBC meal ministry is still very much alive and in full operation, thanks be to God!
Every Wednesday evening finds us dishing up quite temptingly delicious, wholesome meals to an average of about a dozen people from our community. Each of our four teams are beginning to work together more efficiently, taking advantage of our united efforts to build and strengthen relationships among team members and just plain have fun in the process! Developing relationships with those who come is also part of our meal outreach, which we pray God will use for His purposes and glory!
These couple of months promise to hold unique opportunities to serve those God send our way with the coming of the Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations and we covet our prayers that:
God would direct our thoughts and efforts as we make plans,
that He would powerfully minister His love and provision to every person He sends our way,
that each team member would be surrendered in obedience to His teaching, reproof, correction and training in righteousness so that we may be adequate and equipped for this good work which He has provided for us.
For both Thanksgiving and Christmas, we are planning a special holiday meal and ask that you (our body at RBC) consider sharing with us in the expense as God enables you! Any donations can be either given to Erin Bottcher or put in the offering box marked MEAL MINISTRY.
Would you join us in grateful praise to our holy, compassionate God for opening to us a door of opportunity to minister help and encouragement, even to offer an example of His love for those who are lost and hurting! To Him alone belongs the glory and honor and praise! ~Karen Bottcher