Pride leads us to think we deserve all that we can see and touch, as a result there are some who become greedy in their prayer life, and never really find out what they truly need. What we really need is God Himself! God’s grace is much more powerful than the pull of the world, the flesh, and the devil. Certainly, He helps us to stand against such things (Romans 5:18-21) (1 Timothy 1:12-17). But to those who receives His grace? Notice, He resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble (Psalm 34:11-18) (Psalm 51:16-17) (Isaiah 57:15) (Isaiah 66:1-2). Therefore, we are to submit to Him! How many of us respond this way?
Submit, means to line up under His authority. It is saying: “Not my will, but Thine be done.” So, prayer is not about getting what you want from God, but about God working in us to line our will up with His. When we get to the place where we want nothing but what God wants, when His will becomes our will, when we are willing to surrender all of our plans, goals, wants, and wishes, then we are ready to see God move in answer to our prayers. When Jesus taught His disciples to pray notice what He told them first….(Luke 11:2). Our objective in prayer should not be to bend God’s will to ours, but to forsake our will and embrace His will totally! As long as we feel like we can strut into the throne room of grace and call the shots, telling God what He is going to do, then our prayer life will amount to nothing. God is looking for a broken, humble people who are submitted to Him, that He can pour out His blessings on.