Jesus did not die on the cross to make it possible for His Church to Sleep in on Sunday and miss Bible study and worship, to stay at home when we have out of town guests. Or to attend sporting or social events during the week and regularly neglect Bible study and worship. He did not die on the cross in order to talk to people about politics and not about the value of their soul. Nor was it to wear themselves out working all day and be too tired to attend Sunday and Wednesday night services. with the church, but not by themselves in their home. To shop, bank, and recreate when “sick” but not attend Bible class and worship. Practically never miss work, even when ill; but allow a “small” headache or other ailment to prevent attendance at Bible study and worship. Read the paper or watch the news, but not open the Bible during the week. Use the phone to talk to neighbors and family, but never use it to invite them to activities of the church or to share the gospel. Or Lay aside money to spend on eating out, recreation and vacations; but throw leftovers into the collection plate on Sunday.
So just how important is it for the church (us who are believers) to be together? Especially in the “Last Days?” It is vital, it is crucial!
What’s the church of our Lord worth? It is our sole means of reconciliation with God. Our sins are forgiven only through Christ and in order to be the recipient of this blessing, we must be in the body of Christ. All spiritual blessings are in Christ, (Ephesians 1:3). Faithful Christians are the members of the body of Christ, (1 Corinthians 12:27). The church is not a building or a place. It is spiritual in nature and is made up of all the faithful of all ages. The church Jesus died for is the collective sum of all the faithful who ever lived. Just like the Israelites were of the house of Jacob, (Isaiah 48:1), faithful Christians are of the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth, (1 Timothy 3:15). He died for us and the church is priceless to Him. “Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish, (Ephesians 5:25-27). The church of our Lord is priceless to Him. Likewise the church should be priceless to us because if we are not a part of it, we have no hope. It is vitally important that we seek out the one church that Jesus died for, and be a part of that one. For there is salvation in no other.
Unpopular but necessary thought: If you are blessed to have a good, faithful minister of the word he has spent a good deal of time this week preparing to minister that word to you this coming Lord’s Day. So here’s a question for anyone who professes to take their faith seriously: what preparations are you making to be ready to be ministered to? Or is Sunday worship just an afterthought, the thing that takes up Sunday but that really is not a focus at all of your attention? Will you be tired from all the “fun” you have on Saturday? Will you be bleary eyed and fuzzy brained from too little sleep? Mind taken up with the movie you saw? No Word having been read, no prayer engaged in? Well, God, being so gracious, often blesses us despite all of that, but oh, how different it would be if we prepared! What a blessing it would be for your pastor if you arrived for services prepared and expectant, with an obedient heart and a ready mind! And how much your own soul needs that time after a week of warfare with the world! Just some thoughts as we head toward the Lord’s Day.