It seems to me that we are surrounded by the commercialization of Christmas which seems to start earlier and earlier every year, again that’s how it seems to me. With that, whether it is by denial, forgetfulness, or out of ignorance, so many people have no concept of who Jesus is or why Jesus entered this sinful world. Yet, Christmas is the most popular aspect of Jesus for many, both Christians and Non-Christians. People love the account of the birth of Jesus – but why?
They think that the baby in the manger, issues no commands, makes no judgments, calls for no repentance, causes no controversy, and can be made into any form of worship that people want it to be. As a result, people love to remember the birth of Christ but ignore the rest of His character and life that is laid out in His Scriptures for us to know. Many have forgotten, or haven’t heard, that the same Jesus that was born in that manger is the the LORD of all – and that He is coming back in judgment. Think about that, millions upon millions who are honoring the birth of Christ this Christmas season will be rejected when He comes again. For the obedient His coming is a matter of great comfort and expectation (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18) (2 Timothy 4:8). For the disobedient this will be a matter of great horror(2 Thessalonians 1:7-9) (Revelation 1:7).
Listen – it is not things like Covid this world should fear – It is the Holy and Righteous Savior who was born in a manger in order to bring salvation to the condemned sinner – and who died on the cross to secure the justification of the believer – He is the one we need to fear.
As you celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ this month remember why He came into this world in the first place. He has come into this world as the Son of God, as an infant to save His people from their sin (Matthew 1:21).
Think for a moment how God has shown His love for you. He has come into this world as the Son of God, as an infant, to save you from the penalty of death because of your sins against Him (Romans 5:8-9) (Acts 17:30-31) (John 3:36). When Jesus saves – He does it for all eternity!