Baptism is one of two ordinances delivered to the New Testament church, the other is the Lord’s supper. When talking about baptism understand that there are two extremes amongst people concerning its ordinance.
There are those who make it a requirement for salvation – called baptismal regeneration – this is unscriptural, as the thief on the cross alongside Jesus came to faith and never was baptized in water.
There are those who totally ignore it, deeming it non-essential and believing that a person baptized by the Spirit into the body of Jesus Christ is enough for salvation (and it is, but they miss the point of water baptism).
Let me just say that even though water baptism is not what gives us our salvation, it is necessary that we obey the command to be baptized. You can see this in the following Scriptures…..
- The converts at Pentecost – (Acts 2:40-47)
- The converts in Samaria – (Acts 8:9-13)
- The Ethiopian Eunuch – (Acts 8:26-40)
- The Gentile converts – (Acts 10:44-48)
- In the book of the Acts all that embraced Christianity were baptized
This command and response of baptism for those who believe on Jesus Christ has continued to this day. The word baptism come from – (gr. baptizmo) – by definition baptism means to immerse, to dip fully, to plunge (Matthew 3:13-17). There were words they had which meant sprinkle, pour, etc., but they were not used by the Lord or the Apostles with reference to baptism. The design of baptism is to show forth the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, and our identification with these truths (Romans 6:1-5) (Colossians 2:11-13). Baptism illustrates our, death to sin, the destruction of its control on us, and our resurrection to a new life. Getting sprinkled with water cannot demonstrate the full meaning and intention of baptism by submersion.
However, before one can be baptized, there is something greatly needed. What is it you might ask. It is faith in Jesus Christ, this is needed before one is baptized. Belief on Jesus Christ is absolutely necessary before baptism (Acts 8:37). What must we believe? What did they have to believe? All had to believe that Jesus was the Son of God Who gave Himself as the propitiation for their sin (Romans 10:9-10).
The order is always salvation then baptism, again look at (Acts 2:41) (8:12-13). Baptism identifies us as believers in Jesus Christ. Baptism is the outward manifestation of an inward transformation. It is the believer telling those around us that we identify with Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection. Are you a believer? Have you been baptized? Have you obeyed the Lord’s command to do so? If not, obey the Lord and get baptized.