(Psalm 5:3)…..My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord; In the morning I will direct it to You, And I will look up. to You I will pray. My voice You will hear in the morning, O LORD; In the morning I will direct it to You, and I will look up.
David prayed to God. This may sound elementary, but often we come to prayer so full of our request – that we never really focus on God Himself, His presence with us. Notice David’s habit of prayer. It’s good to have a set time to pray, for example…. (Psalm 55:16-17) (Daniel 6:10) (Mark 1:35) (Luke 6:12-13).
In the morning I will direct it to You……The idea behind direct is not to aim, but to order, to arrange one’s prayer to God. It is the word that is used for the laying in order the wood and sacrifice on the altar, and for the putting of the shewbread on the table. It means just this, I will arrange my prayer before You, I will lay it out upon the altar in the morning, just as the priest lays out the morning sacrifice. Wow! Maybe I should look at how I pray. Is it like this? Lord, please help it to be so.
Here is a way to direct our prayer towards God
1. A = ADORATION (praising God). A good example of this is found in ( 1 Chronicles 29:10-13). Spending time in sincere praise of God’s greatness will help put us in the proper spirit of humility.
2. C = CONFESSION (acknowledging our sins before God). When we understand how sin can break the fellowship we have with God, we will be quick to confess our weaknesses to Him (1 John 1:7-9).
3. T = THANKSGIVING (rejoicing before Him). God’s people have every reason to be thankful, and to be known for abounding in thanksgiving
4. S = SUPPLICATION (making requests of God). If we think of praying with the first three (adoration, confession, thanksgiving) our prayer will not be simply a spiritual shopping list.
Read (Philippians 4:6)