I was in several Bible Studies this week and the conversation took a side way with the concern of what is happening in our nation and the world. In a few of the elderly the concern of what was going to happen if we lose such things as retirements, social security, the ability to buy the necessities such as food, gas, electricity, etc. Praise the Lord that we have Him! Praise the Lord that those are things He has promised to provide if we would seek first His kingdom. It’s awe-inspiring to consider the might of the God who separated the water in the sky from the water in the sea (Genesis 1:6-10), and the Word who holds them apart even now (Colossians 1:17). It is sobering that a God so great should care anything for a creature so small (us). Yet the wonder is not that God merely regards us, but that while we were yet sinners He sent His only precious Son to lay down His life for us (Romans 5:8).
Let’s ponder that thought for a moment. A God who can divide sea and sky cares enough for you and me to accomplish the ultimate sacrifice for us. A God in comparison with whom we are like grasshoppers (Isaiah 40:22), sees so much value in us that He would pay the most terrible price to reconcile us to Himself through the body and blood of His Son, nailed to a cross (Ephesians 2:16) (Colossians 1:20).
Both Job and David spoke of the wonders of all of God’s creation (Job 9:1-14) (Psalm 19:1-6). They both concluded that His eternal attention was centered upon man whom He made in His image and after His likeness (Job 7:17-18) (Psalm 8:4-6). I am even more amazed when I consider how great He loves us, and how great is His mercy and grace are given on our behalf (Psalm 86:5) (Psalm 86:15).