This is that time of year where everyone is in a rush to go shopping, to get a present for a loved one, to push and shove your way through your favorite store, only to be fifteen minutes into the adventure and then having a desire for it to all be over. The commercial part of Christmas that is. That’s probably due to losing our perspective of what the season is suppose to represent. The significance of the birth of Jesus is that it made possible…..
- The establishment of the kingdom of God
- Redemption and salvation from sin and it’s wrath for both Jew and Gentile
- As the shepherds were told, peace and goodwill toward men
These things would not have been possible without the suffering and death of Jesus on the cross and the resurrection and ascension of Christ to the right hand of God. Which may be why Jesus did not ask His disciples to commemorate His birth, but His death (1 Corinthians 11:26). Which they did weekly and not annually (Acts 20:7).
When we reflect on Jesus’ birth we should ask ourselves, “Have I fulfilled the significance of His birth by responding to the significance of His death and resurrection?” (Acts 2:36-38)