Our passage this morning in Isaiah is a prophecy of Christ, illustrating His majestic title and position as the King of Kings and Lord of Lord’s, Who when He entered this world in Bethlehem, was much more than a baby in the manger. I hope you see the birth of Christ as much more than a Christmas time story. More than a tradition that brings with it eggnog, presents, feasts and day after sales. Let’s examine our passage.
“For Unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given…..” Let those word sink into your heart this morning. Jesus Christ the Lord of all glory was born and He was born because He was given. Christ shall appear as a child, born of a woman (Matthew 1:20-23). Given because He was to save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21).
“And the government shall be upon His shoulder…..” The ensign of government, the scepter, the sword, the key, etc. which was worn upon or hung from the shoulder and represented the sustaining authority or power of the one wearing it (Isaiah 22:22-24).
“And His name shall be called wonderful…..” Our Lord is “Wonderful” in His conception, in His birth, in His preaching, in His miracles, in His suffering, in His death and in His resurrection. He is “Wonderful” in His person and “Wonderful” in His marvelous works (Judges 13:18) (Psalm 40:5) (Psalm 78:4) (Psalm 107:8) (Psalm 111:4).
“Counselor…..” Christ is the “Counselor” that expounds unto us the law, Who shows its origin, its nature and its claims (Psalm 16:7-8) (Romans 11:33-34) (Colossians 2:2-3). Because He is our Counselor He pleads for the guilty sinner as one who is innocent, and ever appears in the presence of God for us as our mediator (1 Timothy 2:5) (Ephesians 2:18) (Hebrews 10:11-25).
“Mighty God – Everlasting Father…..” He is effective in His power (John 17:1-2) (Hebrews 7:25). He is the Father of eternity, the origin of all things, and the cause of the existence of all flesh
And finally the “Prince of peace…..” Jesus Christ is the author and dispenser of peace (John 14:27) (Romans 5:1) (Ephesians 2:13-14) (Colossians 3:15). Give Him praise this morning.