There has been much discussion over the years over the celebration of Christmas. Traditionally, for the Christian, Christmas has been the day of worshiping the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, now it seems the world, the devil, are working overtime to remove the mention of Christ from Christmas. Trying to remove any reminder of why we celebrate December 25th.
The word “Christmas” has become to offensive to many in this world. Why? Because it contains reference to Jesus Christ, so the name of Christ must be removed. Call it a happy holiday but not Christmas, call it a winter break but not Christmas, call it whatever you want, but don’t mention Christ – that is to narrow minded. Yet the United States claims to be over 85% Christian, how can that be?
The depth of our Christianity has to be much more than what we see in Christmas today. There seems to be a lack of honor, reverence, and belief of the Lord today (John 5:22-25) (John 12:47-49). If you are a true follower of God you will honor His Son Jesus Christ. You will believe He is the Son of God and as a result you will have eternal life with God in heaven. The question for man – “What is man going to do with Him?” (Matthew 16:13-16)
People have attempted to ban Him, yet many have come and gone but He remains the Son of God. Many have attempted to legislate Christ out of existence, yet even creation bears His existence (Romans 1:20) (Colossians 1:15-17). Men crucified Him (of which my sin – your sin – was a part), yet death couldn’t hold Him (1 Corinthians 15:20). Unlike any other baby in human history, the One born that night in Bethlehem was unique. He has a heavenly pre-existence (John 1:1-2), He is God the Son. Yet it grinds against the status quo that Jesus is Immanuel, God with us (Isaiah 7:14). He humbled Himself, being born in a manager (trough) as a child who grew to be a man to die a painful death on the cross so you and I could live (John 3:16-17). So what do you do with Jesus? Men / Women can either accept His claim or reject it, but you cannot ignore it.