The all-sufficiency of the Scriptures is an important doctrine to know and understand. for the Scriptures are completely adequate (2 Timothy 3:16-17). God has provided all that we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). We do not need further revelatioThus we have that which is able to build us up and give us our inheritance (Acts 20:32). As Paul prepared the Ephesian elders for the time when he would be gone. He commended them to the word of God’s grace (Acts 20:29-32), which was able to build them up, and give them their inheritance. With Timothy, Paul did the same when writing his last letter.
He admonished Timothy to continue in the things he had learned (2 Timothy 3:14), He first referenced the Holy Scriptures known since his childhood (2 Timothy 3:15). When Timothy was a child, the only scriptures So Paul clearly had the Old Testament scriptures in view. He then spoke of the value of “all Scripture” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). So that which was inspired of God, that which had the ability to make the man of God complete, if both the Ephesian elders and Timothy needed the word of God after Paul’s departure, how much more do we need it today! To fully appreciate why, consider what (2 Timothy 3:14-17) tells us.