What do you think of when you hear the term “King”? – What defines a King in your thinking? Usually we think of Kings as wielding great power, having great wealth, with great fame. They eagerly anticipated this, and their prophets had long proclaimed a coming Messiah who would be God’s chosen one to free them. Imagine this is the King you are waiting for, who will lead Israel’s armies to victory. Imagine your people are oppressed, you have had enough of the Romans possessing the promise land, you are angry, the time has come for freedom because you’ve heard that the King is on His way, your deliverance is going to happen. Surely now Jesus will rise up against the Romans? Right? Isn’t that what thousands of years has taught us. Call upon his armies of angels? Right? Fight on Israel’s behalf against her enemies? Right? Then what is it you see? He rides into Jerusalem on a “donkey,” (a symbol of peace). He comes “gentle” and riding on a donkey. Leaving them with the question…. “Who is this?” He is not what I expected! Tell me, you who are spiritually alive in Jesus Christ, because you were born from above, what is it that expect from the King?