Think about worshipping our Lord. Think about how we proclaim to one another (believers) that we are part of the body of Christ and followers of Jesus. One of those ways was (is) to share the Lord’s Supper (Communion) together. The Lord’s Supper was an important activity in the weekly, monthly assemblies of the early believers (Matthew 26:26-28) (Luke 22:17-20) (Acts 2:42) (Acts 20:7). Christians assembled on Sunday – the first day of the week – to break bread with one another and thank the Lord for the giving of His body and blood for our redemption. Now we want to be careful that this time of worship doesn’t become in us an activity or tradition we do to be religious. This can turn into an activity that can be easily abused, becoming a meaningless exercise with grave consequences (1 Corinthians 11:17-22, 27). But when properly observed, the Lord’s supper truly is a manifestation of worship. A source of wonderful fellowship and great blessings. A key element of “Serving The Lord With Gladness.” Think about this the next time you take of the bread and the cup.