(Philippians 4:4)…..Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! No matter how bad things are around you, you can always rejoice in the Lord. God is good, yes even when circumstances are bad. You can look beyond the temporary problems of life and focus on the Eternal God and His goodness. You can rejoice that God loves you and that you have a home in Heaven. Rejoicing is very good for the soul. If you only rejoice when you feel like it, you may never rejoice much. …
Do You Want To Grow In Your Faith?
I. DESIRE TO GROW, PRAY, AND LEARN TO GROW – (Ephesians 3:14-19) (Colossians 1:9-12) (Philippians 1:9–11)
- Follow up by acting on your prayers, (Philippians 3:13-14)
- Lay aside hindrances and sin, (Hebrews 12:1-2)
II. READ GOD’S WORD OFTEN, (Hebrews 4:12-13)
- Put God’s word in your heart, (Psalm 119:11; 37:30-31)
- The Bible is our life manual, (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
1. Influence of friends is strong, (1 Corinthians 15:33-34)
2. We learn from our companions, (Proverbs 22:24-25)
3. Spouse the most influential of all, (1 Kings 11:4) (1 Corinthians …
Are You In The Lambs Book Of Life?
(Revelation 21:22-27)…..22 But I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. 23 The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light. 24 And the nations of those who are saved shall walk in its light, and the kings of the earth bring their glory and honor into it. 25 Its gates shall not be shut at all by day (there shall …
What Am I Doing With His Talents?
Notice – (Matthew 25:16-18)…..Then he who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents. And likewise he who had received two gained two more also. But he who had received one went and dug in the ground, and hid his lord’s money.
Notice, how the servants given five talents and two talents got busy with those talents right away. Their faithfulness is seen not only in the profit they made, but in their eagerness to get to work. Now notice, the servant with …
Are You Talented?
(Matthew 25:14-30).....14 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, whocalled his own servants and delivered his goods to them. 15 And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey. 16 Then he who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents. 17 And likewise he who had received two gained two more also.18 But he…
O Let Us Give Him Praise!
“Rejoice in the LORD, O you righteous! For praise from the upright is beautiful.” (Psalm 33:1)
PRAISE will ever be a part of adoration. Adoration, when it has entered God’s presence and had fellowship with Him, will ever lead to the praise of His name. Let praise be a part of the incense we bring before God in our quiet time.
It was when the children of Israel, at their birth as the people of God at the Red Sea, had been delivered from the power of Egypt, that …
The Gospel is Also Called…..
In the New Testament the gospel never means simply “a book” but rather the message. Which Christ and His apostles had announced. The following are the different phrases that the gospel is called in the Bible
- The gospel of God – (Romans 1:1) (1 Thessalonians 2:2,9) (1 Timothy 1:11)
- The gospel of Christ – (Mark 1:1) (Romans 1:16) (Romans 15:19) (1 Corinthians 9:12,18) (Galatians 1:7)
- The gospel of the grace of God – (Acts 20:24)
- The gospel of peace – (Ephesians 6:15)
- The gospel of your salvation – (Ephesians
Jesus Is Alive
The greatest reality of history, is the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. When the two women called Mary came to the tomb on the morning after Christ rose, they were greeted by an angel of the Lord with these words:“
He is not here; for He is risen as He said, Come, see the place where the Lord lay. And go quickly and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead …..” (Matthew 28:6-7).
From all over the world, long lines of visitors wait …