(Philippians 3:3-11)…..3 For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh, 4 though I also might have confidence in the flesh. If anyone else thinks he may have confidence in the flesh, I more so: 5 circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews; concerning the law, a Pharisee; 6 concerning zeal, persecuting the church; concerning the righteousness which is in the law, blameless. 7 But …
Thank The Good Shepherd
Daily Devotion With Pastor Dan – September 18th, 2020
“I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep. The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep. I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.” (John 10:11-14 KJV)
There are thieves and robbers who encroach upon God’s people today. …
God’ Word
Daily Devotion With Pastor Dan – September 17th, 2020.
The all-sufficiency of the Scriptures is an important doctrine. For the Scriptures are completely adequate – 2 Timothy3:16-17 . God has provided all that we need for life and godliness – 2 Peter 1:3. We do not need further revelation, we have the faith delivered “once for all” to the saints – Jude 3. Thus we have that which is able to build us up and give us our inheritance – AcYa 20:32.
As Paul prepared the Ephesian elders for the time when he would be gone, he …
Oh Come To God With Praise
Daily Devotional With Pastor Dan – September 16th, 2020
(Psalm 95:3-7)…..Oh come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. 2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. 3 For the Lord is the great God, and the great King above all gods. 4 In His hand are the deep places of the earth; The heights of the hills are His also. 5 The sea is His, for He made it; And His hands formed the dry land. 6 Oh come, let us …
That Secret Place With God
Daily Devotion With Pastor Dan – September 15th, 2020
I’ve been thinking a lot on what occupies the believer’s time lately. Why we get so busy with the things of the world, and before we know it we find ourselves feeling distant from the very One who has redeemed us. We need to be near to our Lord every minute of every day so that doesn’t become a problem in our Christian walk. Today I am reminded of what the Psalmist said in (Psalm 91). “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under …
Walk At Liberty
“And I will walk at liberty,
Psalm 119:45
For I seek Your precepts.”
Dan M. is filling in for Pastor Dan this week.
This is perhaps my favorite verse in Psalm 119. It is opposite of what the world thinks. They see God’s commandments as bondage, Psalm 2:3. Sadly, some Christians think the same way. What is liberty? Freedom. Independence. Freedom or independence from what? From God? Independence from God would mean non-existence, for in Him we live move and have our being, Acts 17:28. Actually, as one theologian puts it, “true liberty consists exactly in self-determination in the direction …
Completely Dependent
May Your loving kindnesses also come to me, O Lord,
Your salvation according to Your word;
So I will have an answer for him who reproaches me,
For I trust in Your word.
Psalm 119:41-42
Dan M. is filling in for Pastor Dan this week.
In Psalm 119, the author recognizes his total dependence on Scripture as the only infallible rule of faith and life. In verse 41″Thy salvation” explains exactly the meaning of “Thy loving kindnesses.” It is a word that is closely associated with God’s covenants. Deuteronomy 7:9, 2 Samuel 7:15, 22:51. Isaiah 16:5, “a throne will even …
Make Me Walk In It
…“Teach me, O Lord, the way of Your statutes, And I shall observe it to the end.
34 Give me understanding, that I may observe Your law
And keep it with all my heart.
35 Make me walk in the path of Your commandments,
For I delight in it.
36 Incline my heart to Your testimonies
And not to dishonest gain.
37 Turn away my eyes from looking at vanity,
And revive me in Your ways.
38 Establish Your word to Your servant,
As that which produces reverence for You.
39 Turn away my reproach which I dread,
For Your
The Perfect Completion
“I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.”
2Timothy 4:1-3
Dan M. is filling in for Pastor Dan this week.
If you been following along with last week’s devotion, I was attempting to lay a foundation for our confidence in the Word of God. A confidence that our enemy is constantly trying to undermine. Someone might say “all that is fine but what is meant by …