About The Scriptures
We believe that God Superintended the authors of the Scriptures so that, using their own individual literary styles, they composed and recorded without error God’s revelation to man in the words of the original manuscripts. Because of this, the Bible is our final authority for our beliefs and practices
About Salvation
We believe that a person obtains eternal life only by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ whose substitution death paid the just penalty for man’s sin.
About Doctrine
We hold to the basic truths of historic Christianity: The inerrant and infallible Word of God, trinity, deity and virgin birth of Jesus Christ, creation and fall of man, substitutionary atonement, bodily resurrection and ascension of Christ, regeneration of believers, personal and imminent return of Christ, body resurrection and final judgement, a literal heaven and hell.
What We Are
We are Independent
We are a completely independent Bible church organizationally unrelated to any other denomination or church. We are therefore an autonomous church that seeks to be governed by Jesus Christ, the head of the church, through the Scriptures and His personal ministry in and through the board of elders/deacons, and this local body of believers.
We are Expositional
We are a Bible teaching ministry committed to expository teaching: the communication of the Scriptures precept upon precept (categorical Bible studies) and line upon line (verse by verse explanations of the Scripture) with a view to the Bible’s personal application that we might love God with all our hearts and our neighbor as ourselves. (Isaiah 28:10 & 13, Matthew 22:37-39).
We are Mission Oriented
It is our desire to glorify God as we seek to love Him and the world around us. To accomplish this we are committed to a philosophy of ministry involving: The worship of God through praise, singing, and the Lord’s supper, the equipping of believers through Biblical instruction and fellowship, and the spreading of the Gospel through personal evangelism and missions.[/lgc_column]
What is preached, and taught at RBC as we declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Him crucified