What is it that makes the birth of Jesus Christ a Holy event? First of all we are celebrating the birth of a Holy King this month where many consider it one of “the most holy” of religious holidays. As for the actual day of Jesus’ birth, the New Testament provides no clues to the exact day. The Scriptures simply states that it happened in the days of Caesar Augustus and while Quirinius was governing Syria (Luke 2:1-2). A man by the name of Sextus Julius Africanus popularized the idea …
Jesus, The Greatest Gift Ever
This is the season that we give gifts to those we love. Sometimes we receive gifts we can use, sometimes we don’t. How many spend the days after Christmas taking back things we pretended to enjoy or like? I suppose there are many. Many look to gifts or to holidays to satisfy their lives spiritually, but the ruth is satisfaction in life only comes through one gift. A relationship with Jesus Christ is the greatest gift you could ever receive.
God’s gift of life that is in His Son is not …
Christ In Christmas
There has been much discussion over the years over the celebration of Christmas. Traditionally, for the Christian, Christmas has been the day of worshiping the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, now it seems the world, the devil, are working overtime to remove the mention of Christ from Christmas. Trying to remove any reminder of why we celebrate December 25th.
The word “Christmas” has become to offensive to many in this world. Why? Because it contains reference to Jesus Christ, so the name of Christ must be removed. Call …
Jesus Is Much More Than A Baby
Our passage this morning in Isaiah is a prophecy of Christ, illustrating His majestic title and position as the King of Kings and Lord of Lord’s, Who when He entered this world in Bethlehem, was much more than a baby in the manger. I hope you see the birth of Christ as much more than a Christmas time story. More than a tradition that brings with it eggnog, presents, feasts and day after sales. Let’s examine our passage.
“For Unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given…..”…
He Is Immanuel
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Pastor Dan Nickerson preaches from Matthew 1:18-25
What Is The Significance Of Jesus Birth?
This is that time of year where everyone is in a rush to go shopping, to get a present for a loved one, to push and shove your way through your favorite store, only to be fifteen minutes into the adventure and then having a desire for it to all be over. The commercial part of Christmas that is. That’s probably due to losing our perspective of what the season is suppose to represent. The significance of the birth of Jesus is that it made possible…..
- The establishment of the kingdom
The Everlasting Father Has Arrived
In (Genesis 3:15) God declares that from the woman’s seed would come One who would destroy Satan’s work and power. That is precisely what Jesus did (1 John 3:8). So amazing is God’s plan of redemption that God knew the right time for Jesus to be born to accomplish His purpose (Galatians 4:4). From the beginning God began to move an ancestral line which would bring about the birth of Jesus Christ, and we can read of this genealogy of Jesus Christ in (Matthew 1:1-17)(Luke 3:23-38).
Matthew’s genealogy …
His Blood Has Power
(Hebrews 12:24)…..to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel. The Blood testifies that Jesus set us free from all the curse and made us able to partake of the inheritance of the saints. The Blood testifies that Jesus bought our redemption and set us free from the sin, God’s wrath, and death. And that we who believe the gospel of Jesus Christ are redeemed and forgiven.
(Ephesians 1:7)…..In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness …
Concern For Our Brothers’ Faith Under Affliction
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Pastor Dan Nickerson preaches from 1 Thessalonians 3:1-10
God Is Perfect!
Have you ever realized that there are some things that God cannot do. Think about it, God cannot lie! Titus tells us that in (1:2). He can’t do anything that conflicts with His holy character and nature. What God is,determines what God does. Since He is holy as His words tells us (Leviticus 11:44) (1 Peter 1:16), then all of His attributes share in that perfection.
As a holy God, He is perfect in His righteousness, justice, truthfulness, and faithfulness.
1) His perfect righteousness assures us that we can …